Meta Winding Down Support for NFTs on Facebook, インスタグラム

私たち. tech giant Meta is giving up on operations with non-fungible tokens (NFT) amid ongoing turbulence in the crypto space. The company allowed creators to share digital collectibles on its leading social media platforms last year. Meta Platforms Cutting Off Support

ビットコイン, イーサリアムテクニカル分析: BTC以上 $20,000, ETHビヨンド $1,400 土曜日

ビットコインは再び上昇 $20,000 土曜日, 市場は依然として別の銀行機関の破綻に怯えているにもかかわらず. シリコンバレー銀行がアメリカによって閉鎖された. 金曜日の規制当局, 多くの機関が資本へのアクセスを失う原因となっている. This includes

Rich Dad Poor Dad’s Robert Kiyosaki Warns ‘Everything Will Crash’ — Plans to Buy More Bitcoin

ベストセラー本「金持ち父さん貧乏父さん」の有名な著者, ロバート・キヨサキ, has warned thateverything will crash,” including gold, 銀, とビットコイン. でも, he sees crashes as buying opportunities, noting that he will buy more bitcoin. Robert Kiyosaki Reiterates

ロバート・キヨサキ氏、ビットコインが好きだと語る - BTCを「人民のお金」と呼ぶ

ベストセラー本「金持ち父さん貧乏父さん」の有名な著者, ロバート・キヨサキ, says he likes bitcoin, calling the cryptocurrencypeoples money.While admitting that he does not know much about bitcoin, 彼は言った: “私’m just glad I bought it at

FTXとアラメダ・リサーチの破綻 悲しい出来事だが「長期的には良い」とDWF Labsマネージング・パートナーが語る

While the collapse of the crypto exchange FTX and its affiliate Alameda Research is thought to have left many crypto players, including market makers, in the worst possible position, according to Andrei Grachev, managing partner at DWF Labs, this incident may

Game of Thrones NFTs Sell Out Quickly, But Draw Criticism for ‘Poorly Drawn’ Characters

The cryptocurrency community is discussing the newGame of Thrones” 代替不可能なトークン (NFT) assets that were launched on the NFT marketplace の “Build Your Realmcollection sold out on Jan. 10, the day it was released. でも, があった…

Robert Kiyosaki Expects Bitcoin Investors to Get Richer When Fed Pivots, Prints Trillions of Dollars

ベストセラー本「金持ち父さん貧乏父さん」の有名な著者, ロバート・キヨサキ, says that bitcoin investors will get richer when the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, and Wall Street pivot and trillions of dollars are printed. Robert Kiyosaki Predicts Bitcoin Investors

SEC, DOJがFTXを調査 — 規制当局は仮想通貨取引所が顧客の資金を誤って扱っていると疑っている

アメリカ. 証券取引委員会 (SEC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) are reportedly investigating cryptocurrency exchange FTX. The crypto firm is suspected of mishandling customer funds and breaking securities laws. Regulatory probes are among the key reasons why Binance

キム・カーダシアンとフロイド・メイウェザーがイーサリアムマックス訴訟で暫定裁判所の判決を勝ち取る: 報告する

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian and boxing legend Floyd Mayweather Jr. reportedly won a tentative court ruling in a class-action lawsuit involving the Ethereummax token. Investors have accused the celebrities of hyping Ethereummax and pumping the EMAX crypto token. Judge’s Tentative